Alex farms three acres in Carpinteria California with a skeleton crew.The simplicity of using the right tool for the job. Electric tape seals holes pecked by water-starved ravens in Carpinteria.Leslie picks some rare wonder-kale in the first part of her now sprawling urban garden.What was once rated the hottest pepper on the Scoville scale. Leslie growing a watermelon in her tower gardens.Niels and his father Eric started gardening together when Niels was just a kid. Now they have a productive urban farm using towers and 90% recycled water.Niels loves every new sprout in his home-based tower farm in the heart of Santa Barbara.Katie educates people about the benefits of fermentation, and the fact that it requires bacteria found in real gardens.
Cold, clear night. Full moon illuminating the landscape. Snow crust crunching under foot. The Aurora changing so quickly that it's hard to get my gear out in time to catch the first bright wave.
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